For the past 10 years, I’ve been dreaming about an Audi Coupe S (71er model this time...), thinking it would be great to own one. Its ZP engine, plus some more special features, made these early cars highly desirable by the oldtimer fans throughout the world. 
Back in 2001, I was given the chance of purchasing this ZP engine,
even though there was no car in my garage to mount it on! The engine was fully restored (2004-2005) and tuned to its original specification
(new oversized “KolbenSchmidt” 10,2:1 compression pistons were installed after the very accurate overboring of the cylinders), and kept in my garage since "proper" Coupe S model to buy...
In the mean time, I’ve been investing my time and money on new and original spare parts for an Audi Coupe S
(the first series of which was produced from 1970 until the end of July 1971). These are quite rare models now, maybe even true collector’s items, because only a few survived in our days, so their value is high. I have only seen one 71er Coupe S in Greece, back in 1992, parked outside a junkyard ready to be recycled…
In the early summer of 2006, I bought this red Audi Coupe S from the, for only 1.000 euros
(my max. bid was 1.001 euros for that specific auction)! From the displayed pictures in the auction, the car looked rather rusty
and in need of some serious bodywork repairs.
The seller lived in the suburbs of Napoli, but my good old friend Gianvicenzo Prisco (Grande G !!!)
helped me with the transaction and loading of the car to a Greek container,
that had just exported water-melons.
The car arrived in my hometown Thessaloniki sometime during September 2006. When I finally saw it, I realized it was love at first sight…!
Surprisingly, a closer inspection confirmed
that the car was an almost completely rust-free example, except the damaged front hood.
This fact convinced me that the car’s actual mileage was just 31.000 km , as the Italian seller had told me.
The mileage also matched with the service history, which informed us that the car was produced in May 1971 and the first owner was a mature lady, back at that time!
The paperwork in the Greek customs office took almost 2 weeks and 400 euros to be sorted out. The car is now registered to me as an “oldtimer rare passenger vehicle” of 1972 (the year of its first registration in Italy).

The car was send straight to the same workshop/bodyshop/paintshop where my other Cadizorange Audi 75er Coupe S1 Quattro (her name is ...Quattrina!) which was reconstructed, only a few years ago. The workshop owner was also very surprised to see that the car before his eyes had no major rust issues, despite its age. The photos show the great condition of the critical body/floor areas, where rust issues are usually present, but corrosion had attacked the area under the “hutablage” (on both sides), around the speaker’s positions.
The reason for this was the sun-burned rear window seal that allowed water to penetrate,
causing two rust holes (8-10 cm in dia), but thankfully without damaging the floor of the trunk. I personally treated the front section of the body, in order to restore and protect the metal bodywork.
The good news of the metal fine condition were obvious everywhere on the front end of this car...The door’s hinges were also replaced (3 new ones, and the fourth was used but in great shape).
Removing the rusted pins wasn’t an easy task.
The car was totally striped out for body repairs. This showed to us that the chassis was 100% free of road accidents, even without any repairs undertaken in the past.
I have to admit my luck to have bought such a great body to work on my expensive restoration project. After some serious research on the, I managed to trace
and purchase a new and original front hood (the part mostly needed to continue my restoration work), and this came along with a new and original rear boot lid, both covered in black mat primer. The front hood had a typical opening 
for the water twin jets, so this had to be welded and sealed (in a very professional way - with the proper waxing treatment),
that made it look like the proper original item of a 71er Coupe S. Both front fenders were eventually replaced (I had bought the right new original fender 10 years ago from a local Audi dealer for about 400 euros
and the left new original one recently from my good friend Dirk Börsch – thank you brother)!

An original new driver’s door was bought from, but no new right door has been traced yet! The good thing is that both of the original in car doors were in great condition (inside the original waxing treatment was still visible, all screws and bolts had never been removed before).
At some point, the body had been resprayed with the original colour (L97z Colorado-metallic), but the varnish layer failed on the roof area, after being parked outside in a field and exposed for a long time to the weather elements.
According to the Italian seller, the car had undergone a major service at the local Audi dealership (Napoli) back in December of 1991 till February of 1992, having only 28.545 km on the clock (it was a non-runner for 14 years).
Many of the replaced parts in the engine bay (coolant hoses, exhaust silencer, pipes, etc.) still have their original stickers on (order date of 1992).
The car was in full service on the roads for another 3.000 km, but then was abandoned again in the backyard of a nearby cottage house, for over 13 years! The two carburetors were completely damaged (they received a pro- remanufacturing job from local ex-official SOLEX dealer/service shop) after all these years and the engine bay was stuffed with walnuts and organic material that the mice had left over the years. The braking system was completely out of order. Both of the original brake fluid tank and washer/wiper water tank had been replaced with others (from VW and FIAT models respectively). For some reason, even the centre console had been replaced with one from a later (1972-1974) model, but thankfully the wiring loom was not removed.

I was "working" hard trying to collect NEW and ORIGINAL AUDI Coupe S spare parts for this car. Like the exhaust spare parts. During the past 2 years, I managed to gather
(piece by piece) the complete exhaust system (muffler, silencer, downpipes, tubes, hangers, chromed ending pipes, harware, etc).

All of these have got their part number tag still attached, some even have the part number embossed on their surface. Attention to detail is essential, so even the rubber hangers, front main gasket and metal hardware set are all new and original Audi items for an early Coupe S model.
When the exhaust system is complete, the sounds produced will be as original as it gets!!! When my new restoration project is complete (due in 2011), the 71er Coupe S will become a “time machine” that sounds as good as new 40 years after its production date! What a great sensation this will be…
I have also been lucky, when a gentleman from Spain (Barcelona) sold me a complete set of new seats, in the correct color code that matches my car’s
original specification. It did cost a lot (1.700 euros in total), but it was well worth it. According to the seller’s words, these seats had been stored in his garage for more than 35 years, still sealed in the original Audi plastic wraps.

The car is still at the workshop, which is being extremely busy with contemporary cars that need to be repaired, resprayed or modified. This delay though, gave me the opportunity to restore other vital items.
The loooong DELAY I had on the body and paint shop cause this shop was always FULL of modern cars to be repaired and to be modified,
I had plenty of time to retore other groups of parts... One easy task was the restoration job on the 4 pistoned ATE calipers.

I had the complete repair set ups from ATE
and after we checked the cylinders and pistons that they have NO DAMAGE AT ALL, then, we proceed to complete them with new stuff... The result looks great and I suppose that they will have a great function, too!

At this point, there was a change in my initial plans: as it has already been mentioned, I already have an original restored ZP engine in my garage, that was meant to be installed in the italian car.
But the original ZP motor in the car was in great condition too, so I decided to rebuild it. This gives me extra points for originality in my project, as the engine numbers match with the ones in the paperwork that came along with the car.
Soon everything was renewed in the original 1.9 liter motor, apart from the pistons and piston
rods that were replaced too, but with used original parts in top condition, of the standard size. So now, I’ve got a spare ZP engine in my garage which is being treated as an exhibition item!

The 71er ZK gearbox was never tested but it was also restored, along with the shifter lever. This minimizes the risk
for future problems when the car will hit the road! The job included the replacement of all the expensive bearings and synchros, of many other minor items, as well as the detailed inspection of all the gears.

No gears needed replacing, hopefully! And this ZK gearbox is just waiting the time for the running time!
Restoring the shifter lever proved to be a very dirty job, but someone had to do it!
All the rubber and plastic parts have already been replaced and the difference between the old and renewed item is obvious in the pictures.
Now everything is sorted and ready to be mounted on the car.
I had great fun doing all this job! I was very happy when I was finished this group restoration job! The brake lines, ventilated front discs and joints are all new and original Audi Coupe S Spare parts, still having their Audi stickers one them! The 4-piston ATE brake calipers were also upgraded with new parts for better performance
The servo unit was tested too, and NEEDED replacement with a brand new one, as it diagnosed with internal damage and poor vacuum power. Thankfully the cylinder walls on the master cylinder were in excellent working order and only the rubber seals had to be replaced. I have a Brand new master cylinder by ATE,
but I have chosen to restore the existing cylinder. Some time ago, I had the chance of purchasing a new ATE
servo unit, and I did! The overall result meets my expectations and I can’t wait for the installation time to come!

I was determined to change the colour on my early Coupe S. The original colour of the car was the Coloradored Metallic, but my favourite one has always been the Iberianred (iberishrot, L31F). Both of them match perfectly with the all black original interior. It wasn’t hard to convince the paintshop owner about my new plan. The first step was about a deep and extended grinding of the old paint and primer layers.
This showed that there was no damage on the bodywork, apart from some minor scratches and bumps. There had been no previous
repairs (body-floor, rear quarters, wheel arches, front end).
The car was almost completely stripped, apart from the steering column, rack and both axles, simply because this would allow the paintshop owner to move the car around a lot easier. The engine bay wiring loom and the fuse master were also kept in place to protect them until the project is complete. The insulated body floor panels were also kept in place for two reasons; the first being that they are in a great rust-free condition, and removing them could have caused damages on them, and the other being that originality had always been a major issue in this project.
During the second stage an elastomeric black seal layer was applied on the underfloor area. After this,
a light colored primer was applied to prepare the surfaces for the 2K paint (it is getting very hard to find 2K
coded paints for oldtimer Audi-VW models). This layer is the basis before applying the final extra fine layer of Iberianred colour paint.
Next stage was to spray the frsh red paint also INSIDE the car, just to give a more complete red over all impression...
and then to finilize the straight and sharp edged body shape, all around.
I don’t like imperfections on the final painted surface, so I was satisfied only when we reached the highest possible level of workmanship. I was happy only after the second layer
of 2K paint was applied, which surprised a lot of people (that thought that the first layer was satisfactory).
After all these years of personal work and patience I feel that the paintjob is as good as I always wanted.
Sometime during 2011, the car will be transferred in my garage, so that I can start assembling it.
This works calendar will be updated regularly, so stay tuned!
ONE YEAR AFTER the paint job (Novemeber of 2010!!!), I FINALY start the main assembly procedure of this car...
All this time the car was stored covered perfectly inside the paint shop cause during this year the Quattrina's refabrication's last stage had attracted all of my interest (and all of my money!) and my garage was covered with Quattrina's spare parts and upgrade sub-projects... Now, my orange baby is on the roads again and it's about time to take special care of my red italian 40 years old LADY...
So, the first spare parts I had to install to it were 4 new original Audi -black polyamid- 815 827 317 BUSCHE/mounts of the trunk cover arms and 2 new original Audi -white rubber- 803 823 499 PUFFER/bump lifters...
I had to install these spare parts to mount properly the front hood and the trunk cover on the car's body and next week the car will be carried with a lorry to my garage...
Last week, I had also a contact with the Italian seller cause while I was trying to gather the needed papers to get my new greek oldtimer license, I found out that the papers I had received with the car, back in September of 2006 were NOT the correct papers of this car but they were papers from an Audi 100 LS of 1970... Shit happens!
This trouble caused by the seller who had also sold back in 2006 one 70er Audi 100 LS
(Mr. Donnarumma -the seller from Napoli, Italy, was a used & new autocar dealer... The Coupe S was HIS family car and not a resale car! He send to me right away all the correct papers of my 71er Coupe S...
This car was sold in Italy back in February of 1972... He told me that this car had originaly 17.458 km when he sold this to me (No braking news for me cause I had certified the BEST CONDITION of the car's body in all this restoration procedure... I never saw again such an old car in such CLEAN condition with practicaly NO RUST AT ALL, even in the most usual body's locations... All of this time I thought that the car had 31.000km and I was also pleased by its found condition!). He told me also that he knew the car's first owner and how he treated the car... It was always parked outside of his house, he had a fiat 127 for almost of his rides and he drove this Coupe S very rarely... As you can see, this was stated on the clock... At the back side it has the mark of April of 1971 which is explains that this clock should be the Factory installed clock on the late May days of 1971...
The speedo has it's production date at May of 1971, which is good match for the tacho clock...
Maybe someone can say that km indication should be 117.458 km or even worse... But, the condition of the car's steel body and body floor according to my experience, tells me that the 17.458km is more likely to be absolutely true... The car was very neglected for decades on open air that's why it had such RUSTED AWAY front hood but with no damage at all on the upper front end or on the wheel houses...
So, after 13 (!) months from the final 2nd L31F fresh "2K" paint job, the car finaly is parked in my garage...
I started to dismantle the front suspension, completly... Firtsly, I had to destroy all the spiders and their webs to continue...
I had to depress and pull out the half axles' CV joints from their knuckles... I had also another used complete pair of Coupe S knuckles with their halfaxles and this was the best oportunity to dismantle them, too and to check the bearings condition (?)
I went then to a specialized machinery shop to do so. The same shop also took out the old bearings, spindles and other stuff from the knuckles... This was't easy at all. Such job is also quite expensive, too!!!
So, these were all:
The Left + Right headlight chromed trims plus the lowerchromed trim of the GRILL, are all brand new!
But they needed some job to be cleaned and let their shiny look AGAIN, after so many decades inside their packages...
After cleaning carefully the new front grill, I restore its original look by spraying a coat of SATIN BLACK paint... It looks amazing! The existing chromed Audi RINGE logo was placed again with new clips on its pins (Although I wanted to place 6 new clips as they were placed finaly I pressed just one new clip per pin, this time!) and after the headlights were placed on the car, it is the time to "complete" the front grill look!

Back in 2001, I was given the chance of purchasing this ZP engine,
even though there was no car in my garage to mount it on! The engine was fully restored (2004-2005) and tuned to its original specification
(new oversized “KolbenSchmidt” 10,2:1 compression pistons were installed after the very accurate overboring of the cylinders), and kept in my garage since "proper" Coupe S model to buy...

In the mean time, I’ve been investing my time and money on new and original spare parts for an Audi Coupe S
(the first series of which was produced from 1970 until the end of July 1971). These are quite rare models now, maybe even true collector’s items, because only a few survived in our days, so their value is high. I have only seen one 71er Coupe S in Greece, back in 1992, parked outside a junkyard ready to be recycled…
In the early summer of 2006, I bought this red Audi Coupe S from the, for only 1.000 euros

(my max. bid was 1.001 euros for that specific auction)! From the displayed pictures in the auction, the car looked rather rusty

and in need of some serious bodywork repairs.
The seller lived in the suburbs of Napoli, but my good old friend Gianvicenzo Prisco (Grande G !!!)

helped me with the transaction and loading of the car to a Greek container,

that had just exported water-melons.

The car arrived in my hometown Thessaloniki sometime during September 2006. When I finally saw it, I realized it was love at first sight…!

Surprisingly, a closer inspection confirmed

that the car was an almost completely rust-free example, except the damaged front hood.

This fact convinced me that the car’s actual mileage was just 31.000 km , as the Italian seller had told me.

The mileage also matched with the service history, which informed us that the car was produced in May 1971 and the first owner was a mature lady, back at that time!
The paperwork in the Greek customs office took almost 2 weeks and 400 euros to be sorted out. The car is now registered to me as an “oldtimer rare passenger vehicle” of 1972 (the year of its first registration in Italy).

The car was send straight to the same workshop/bodyshop/paintshop where my other Cadizorange Audi 75er Coupe S1 Quattro (her name is ...Quattrina!) which was reconstructed, only a few years ago. The workshop owner was also very surprised to see that the car before his eyes had no major rust issues, despite its age. The photos show the great condition of the critical body/floor areas, where rust issues are usually present, but corrosion had attacked the area under the “hutablage” (on both sides), around the speaker’s positions.
The reason for this was the sun-burned rear window seal that allowed water to penetrate,
causing two rust holes (8-10 cm in dia), but thankfully without damaging the floor of the trunk. I personally treated the front section of the body, in order to restore and protect the metal bodywork.

The good news of the metal fine condition were obvious everywhere on the front end of this car...The door’s hinges were also replaced (3 new ones, and the fourth was used but in great shape).

Removing the rusted pins wasn’t an easy task.
The car was totally striped out for body repairs. This showed to us that the chassis was 100% free of road accidents, even without any repairs undertaken in the past.

I have to admit my luck to have bought such a great body to work on my expensive restoration project. After some serious research on the, I managed to trace

and the left new original one recently from my good friend Dirk Börsch – thank you brother)!
An original new driver’s door was bought from, but no new right door has been traced yet! The good thing is that both of the original in car doors were in great condition (inside the original waxing treatment was still visible, all screws and bolts had never been removed before).
At some point, the body had been resprayed with the original colour (L97z Colorado-metallic), but the varnish layer failed on the roof area, after being parked outside in a field and exposed for a long time to the weather elements.
I was "working" hard trying to collect NEW and ORIGINAL AUDI Coupe S spare parts for this car. Like the exhaust spare parts. During the past 2 years, I managed to gather
(piece by piece) the complete exhaust system (muffler, silencer, downpipes, tubes, hangers, chromed ending pipes, harware, etc).
All of these have got their part number tag still attached, some even have the part number embossed on their surface. Attention to detail is essential, so even the rubber hangers, front main gasket and metal hardware set are all new and original Audi items for an early Coupe S model.
When the exhaust system is complete, the sounds produced will be as original as it gets!!! When my new restoration project is complete (due in 2011), the 71er Coupe S will become a “time machine” that sounds as good as new 40 years after its production date! What a great sensation this will be…

I have also been lucky, when a gentleman from Spain (Barcelona) sold me a complete set of new seats, in the correct color code that matches my car’s

original specification. It did cost a lot (1.700 euros in total), but it was well worth it. According to the seller’s words, these seats had been stored in his garage for more than 35 years, still sealed in the original Audi plastic wraps.

The car is still at the workshop, which is being extremely busy with contemporary cars that need to be repaired, resprayed or modified. This delay though, gave me the opportunity to restore other vital items.
The loooong DELAY I had on the body and paint shop cause this shop was always FULL of modern cars to be repaired and to be modified,
I had plenty of time to retore other groups of parts... One easy task was the restoration job on the 4 pistoned ATE calipers.
I had the complete repair set ups from ATE
and after we checked the cylinders and pistons that they have NO DAMAGE AT ALL, then, we proceed to complete them with new stuff... The result looks great and I suppose that they will have a great function, too!
At this point, there was a change in my initial plans: as it has already been mentioned, I already have an original restored ZP engine in my garage, that was meant to be installed in the italian car.
But the original ZP motor in the car was in great condition too, so I decided to rebuild it. This gives me extra points for originality in my project, as the engine numbers match with the ones in the paperwork that came along with the car.
Soon everything was renewed in the original 1.9 liter motor, apart from the pistons and piston
The 71er ZK gearbox was never tested but it was also restored, along with the shifter lever. This minimizes the risk
for future problems when the car will hit the road! The job included the replacement of all the expensive bearings and synchros, of many other minor items, as well as the detailed inspection of all the gears.
Restoring the shifter lever proved to be a very dirty job, but someone had to do it!
All the rubber and plastic parts have already been replaced and the difference between the old and renewed item is obvious in the pictures.
Now everything is sorted and ready to be mounted on the car.
I had great fun doing all this job! I was very happy when I was finished this group restoration job! The brake lines, ventilated front discs and joints are all new and original Audi Coupe S Spare parts, still having their Audi stickers one them! The 4-piston ATE brake calipers were also upgraded with new parts for better performance
The servo unit was tested too, and NEEDED replacement with a brand new one, as it diagnosed with internal damage and poor vacuum power. Thankfully the cylinder walls on the master cylinder were in excellent working order and only the rubber seals had to be replaced. I have a Brand new master cylinder by ATE,
but I have chosen to restore the existing cylinder. Some time ago, I had the chance of purchasing a new ATE
servo unit, and I did! The overall result meets my expectations and I can’t wait for the installation time to come!

I was determined to change the colour on my early Coupe S. The original colour of the car was the Coloradored Metallic, but my favourite one has always been the Iberianred (iberishrot, L31F). Both of them match perfectly with the all black original interior. It wasn’t hard to convince the paintshop owner about my new plan. The first step was about a deep and extended grinding of the old paint and primer layers.
This showed that there was no damage on the bodywork, apart from some minor scratches and bumps. There had been no previous
repairs (body-floor, rear quarters, wheel arches, front end).
The car was almost completely stripped, apart from the steering column, rack and both axles, simply because this would allow the paintshop owner to move the car around a lot easier. The engine bay wiring loom and the fuse master were also kept in place to protect them until the project is complete. The insulated body floor panels were also kept in place for two reasons; the first being that they are in a great rust-free condition, and removing them could have caused damages on them, and the other being that originality had always been a major issue in this project.
During the second stage an elastomeric black seal layer was applied on the underfloor area. After this,
a light colored primer was applied to prepare the surfaces for the 2K paint (it is getting very hard to find 2K
coded paints for oldtimer Audi-VW models). This layer is the basis before applying the final extra fine layer of Iberianred colour paint.
Next stage was to spray the frsh red paint also INSIDE the car, just to give a more complete red over all impression...
and then to finilize the straight and sharp edged body shape, all around.
I don’t like imperfections on the final painted surface, so I was satisfied only when we reached the highest possible level of workmanship. I was happy only after the second layer
After all these years of personal work and patience I feel that the paintjob is as good as I always wanted.
Sometime during 2011, the car will be transferred in my garage, so that I can start assembling it.
This works calendar will be updated regularly, so stay tuned!
ONE YEAR AFTER the paint job (Novemeber of 2010!!!), I FINALY start the main assembly procedure of this car...
All this time the car was stored covered perfectly inside the paint shop cause during this year the Quattrina's refabrication's last stage had attracted all of my interest (and all of my money!) and my garage was covered with Quattrina's spare parts and upgrade sub-projects... Now, my orange baby is on the roads again and it's about time to take special care of my red italian 40 years old LADY...
So, the first spare parts I had to install to it were 4 new original Audi -black polyamid- 815 827 317 BUSCHE/mounts of the trunk cover arms and 2 new original Audi -white rubber- 803 823 499 PUFFER/bump lifters...
I had to install these spare parts to mount properly the front hood and the trunk cover on the car's body and next week the car will be carried with a lorry to my garage...
Last week, I had also a contact with the Italian seller cause while I was trying to gather the needed papers to get my new greek oldtimer license, I found out that the papers I had received with the car, back in September of 2006 were NOT the correct papers of this car but they were papers from an Audi 100 LS of 1970... Shit happens!
(Mr. Donnarumma -the seller from Napoli, Italy, was a used & new autocar dealer... The Coupe S was HIS family car and not a resale car! He send to me right away all the correct papers of my 71er Coupe S...
This car was sold in Italy back in February of 1972... He told me that this car had originaly 17.458 km when he sold this to me (No braking news for me cause I had certified the BEST CONDITION of the car's body in all this restoration procedure... I never saw again such an old car in such CLEAN condition with practicaly NO RUST AT ALL, even in the most usual body's locations... All of this time I thought that the car had 31.000km and I was also pleased by its found condition!). He told me also that he knew the car's first owner and how he treated the car... It was always parked outside of his house, he had a fiat 127 for almost of his rides and he drove this Coupe S very rarely... As you can see, this was stated on the clock... At the back side it has the mark of April of 1971 which is explains that this clock should be the Factory installed clock on the late May days of 1971...
The speedo has it's production date at May of 1971, which is good match for the tacho clock...
So, after 13 (!) months from the final 2nd L31F fresh "2K" paint job, the car finaly is parked in my garage...
I started to dismantle the front suspension, completly... Firtsly, I had to destroy all the spiders and their webs to continue...
I had to depress and pull out the half axles' CV joints from their knuckles... I had also another used complete pair of Coupe S knuckles with their halfaxles and this was the best oportunity to dismantle them, too and to check the bearings condition (?)
I went then to a specialized machinery shop to do so. The same shop also took out the old bearings, spindles and other stuff from the knuckles... This was't easy at all. Such job is also quite expensive, too!!!
So, these were all:
The brand new stuff (bearings, spindles, bearing seals, bearing spacers) were already installed on the fully restored old knuckles...
Please look at the ...BLUEish color of the NEVER USED bolt thread... Amazing! It's like a FRESH CUT THREAD!
At this point I took out fo the 30 years old original Audi NSU boxes the brand new Coupe S half axles which my father had bought 4 new of them by accident, from a German Audi dealer, having in mind that they were suitable for his 69er 100 LS, back in 1980... Perfect and precious items... some days before, I sold my other new pair of them in US E-bay for 1000 Euros!!! Thank you Olaf!
Unfortunately, I have to wait for some time (to gather some last new spare parts, new original Audi nuts, spacers and bolts) till their installation to the car...
I have a chaotic plan how to proceed this restoration and the assemblying of this car... This means, that I try to install everything came in my hands, out of the boxes, mostly!
So, everyday, I will take photos of every piece I install on it...
So, NEW YEAR, new HOPES>>>>
So, it's time for little home made PAINT JOB...
This hood's front chromed trim has been RECHROMED ...
The Left + Right headlight chromed trims plus the lowerchromed trim of the GRILL, are all brand new!
Now the headlights are on the way to find their proper place...
Hopefully, the restoration of these rare Assymetric Hella UR H1 Halogen headlamps (Black colored backplate and the EMBOSSED lettering and HELLA logo on the glass lenses' front surface) was not so difficult task cause they were in a very good condition, due the very low mileage of the car. The headlamps still have the HELLA sticker on their backplates...
Now the PERFECT FITMENT job... An the "refresh" of the new and original Audi front grill...
While dismantling the Audi RINGE logo from the old front grill, I found out that at the two Left and Right pins, they were placed TWO round securing clips, instead of the one per pin as the books and microfische say... They look to me that this logo was never taken off the front grill before, so, I believe for some reason or by accident, these clips were placed together from the factory.
After cleaning carefully the new front grill, I restore its original look by spraying a coat of SATIN BLACK paint... It looks amazing! The existing chromed Audi RINGE logo was placed again with new clips on its pins (Although I wanted to place 6 new clips as they were placed finaly I pressed just one new clip per pin, this time!) and after the headlights were placed on the car, it is the time to "complete" the front grill look!
AUDI-NSU Special Tool REPLICA contruction.
Absolutely FANTASTIC!
Very cool - Andy
wanted to ask if you thinking of selling the engine
if so can you please email me on
Gorgeous. As always, Theo, done to the highest possible standard. It will be one of a kind.
Poly kalh douleia!!!
Na to xareis kai panta kalotaxido.
Se euxaristw poly Gianni...
Syntoma meta apo to ta3idi sto Nuerburgring TREFFEN me to portokali alogo, 8a yparxei synexeia sth synarmologhsh ths ... 40aras italidas ...
Thedossh, ean peraseis apo Ingolstadt ton Oktobrio ela na ta poume. Exeis dei to mouseio?
Geia soy 8eoddwsh,
An peraseis ton Oktwbrio apo to Ingolstadt ela na ta poume. Gnwrizeis to mouseio?
8a eimai sto Ingolstadt, prwta o 8eos, stis 5 Octwbriou kai ua meinw ston koumparo mou (einai exterior designer sthn Audi). 8a fygoume gia Nuerburgring stis 7 Octwbriou me 2 autokinhta. Exei kai ekeinos ena 5000 typ43 1982 model (to efere apo USA prin 2 xronia). Opote sigoura 8a ta poume... To mail mou einai:
Théo, You're the only one!
Fantastic job!
how do i contact with you ???
Everybody can reach me at
Very nice work :) I have a audi 100 coupe s in Georgia in Tbilisi, I need your help :) Is it possible to adapt the engine gear box on the other models? My engine has a problem :( thanks
Maybe I can help you restoring your engine and in this way to avoid all the trouble of the needed modification to install an engine from another car...
Please, send some photos and other notices of your car at: and I'm sure we will find the best solution to your rare beauty...
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