This could have been the first page headline of many automobile magazines back in the 70s, only if Audi had decided to launch the Quattro system and 5-cylinder engines earlier than in 1976 (Audi 80 b1 testwagen)…or if they had decided to manufacture a sportier version of the Coupe S.

Instead, many still remember the development of the Porsche 928 testwagen with the Audi Coupe S body .

(thanks to Klaus Kaufmann for providing me all the original photos among his personal photo archive)

Total disappointment to my weird fantasy…
It seems that Audi, back at that time of 1972 had decided to kill the Audi 100 C1 series as soon as possible, although the sales were more than they expected! Audi gave to them a quick and economical face lifting without trying to produce a technologically advanced model (with different and more powerful “modern up-to-date”…). They had all their concern to the next generation Audi 100 typ43 with the 5cylindered engines. But these engines were too long and heavy for the engine bay of the C1 front ends…

So, they built the C1 series 1973 facelift models having the WA/WF (they were available only for typ43 early models) engines in mind…
But even they built the late C1 models to receive these 2.0 liter OHC engines, never installed to them. They didn’t want to spend any more money to the “old” 100er …
All these stories follow our Audi 100 C1 beloved models until today. And they have great part in the sum of reasons why our cars DON’T have the best reputation or the high “gloss” old-timer worth, among the classic cars market. My opinion is that Audi never built a distinctive Coupe S model (like the modern “S” models…e.g., S3, S4, or RS6 in our days etc.) to attract more views or to show that Audi cares about this serie just because they had in mind to promote very well the next serie, Audi 100 C2 (Typ43).
Can you imagine a super sporty Audi Coupe S model? With higher engine (5, V6 cylindered or other 4 cylinder engine preferred!!!) output (maybe a turbo engine, from 924turbo? For easy installation!!!), 5 speed gearbox, sporty adjustable suspension, bigger wheels and brakes? Something that Ford (Capri V6, Turbo and Capri V8), Mercedes (280 Coupe), Alfa Romeo (GTV) and Opel (Commodore) did!!!
Even BMW had the 2000 tii (4 door sedan!!!) without having any pure coupe model in the mittelklasse. AUDI had NOTHING to beat against all of these cars, except to promote a look of superiority or the fine touch of the external design and the “revolutionary” front wheel drive system.
Anyway, if you cannot imagine such a Coupe S model, then you have in front of your eyes some pictures of my point view…I added also some other things on it, according to my objective believes, my aesthetical standards on 70’s Car design, my spirit of driving and my life style in modern days. to create some kind of a special/sporty edition based to my beloved 100 Coupe series!!!
I tuned (maybe it is better to say re-MANUFACTURE!!!) my dream!!! Audi Coupe S1. To distinguish this car from all of its brothers adding to its tail badge the number “1”. This number is symbolic to me. First of all declares that there is only ONE like this!!! And secondly, the number “1” was the original logotype of Audi in the prewar times!!! Excellent choice of logotype!
I have added many things on the car, according to my own taste, following the design standards of the 70s and my personal lifestyle. Don’t forget that this is not a showcar but my daily driver since May 2005. Before that, the car had undergone 3 ½ year of re-manufacturing time, converting it from an ordinary rusty ‘marathon-blau’ 75er Coupe S to the ‘orange alarm’ Quattro Coupe S1. I was born inside my father’s grey 69er Audi 100 LS sedan back in September 1969 – the same time when the Audi Coupe S appeared in I.A.A.F. Since my childhood, I was a "Ur-quattro" fan and I used to spend my free time, in the 80s, designing my own editions of known models (Audi 100 LS, SR or GS editions!). My sketches used to have 4-wheel drive, sunroofs and flared fenders…sometimes even beautiful juicy girls! Since I was a child (I was born back in September of 1969 -same date as the first appearance of Audi 100 coupe S in I.A.A.F.- inside my father’s grey 4door Audi 100 LS, February 1969 model), I admired the quattros amd Audi 100ers…

So I designed on papers (usually at the back page/cover of my workbooks or ON the surface of the wooden student’s desks in school.

I have been punished dozens of times from my school teachers when they caught me while sketching…) the Audi 100 LS (or “SR” or “GS” editions)
with 4wheel drive system (something like the Allroad in now days), back at the mid-late of 80’s!!!

Always Quattro, Always Sunroof and Always with flared fenders on them!!!

My puberty dreams were full of them among the beautiful-juicy girls!!!

All these dreams became an obsession to me

(for the girls I can type a separate article but this will not be appropriate for this specific Blog, I think…!)
So, I decided to install an original Quattro system to my beloved 75er “weird” Coupe S. It wasn’t easy and it’s not recommended to be done by persons without the proper knowledge of these things and the proper madness!!!

The rusty floor of this car was the best excuse to proceed to this … wild dream!
This is the critical point that my Quattro Project has been borned!
Firstly, I spent several weeks trying to study and to take measurements from several Audi Quattro models’ body floors…I needed urgently a proper “donor” model!!! I came to the conclusion that the body floor from Audi 80 Quattro typ89 b3 (4door)
was the most suitable (almost same length but 3 cm narrower!!!). The Typ89 Coupe Quattro has almost the same body floor except the rear end where Audi installed the gas reservoir on the floor, something I tried to avoid. That’s why I preferred the sedan's rear end “solution”,
which has the gas reservoir hanged on the rear side of the rear seats… That’s why the gas cap has moved almost 30 cm on the top of the original Coupe S place, on the right rear wing. Although there were many opinions of putting a different style gas cap (like TT one!),
I preferred to keep the nice original one !!! The different location is enough to show up the real story of this orange Coupe S!
Then I spent many …days of searching in ETKA 5 to find out the proper part numbers of the needed parts. I made some “transplants” into the Body floor panels of the car also, to give more rigid body form (eg, special floor reinforcements from Audi typ89 RS2 and Audi TT roadster!-I had bought already the two front baseball leather seats from TT roadster, so I thought that it would be more easy to have the original steel bases of them. But I discovered that these items are almost the half of the TT roadster’s reinforcements on its body floor!!! Too heavy and too strong thick steel items. I weld them very well on the body floor and in addition of the RS2 tunnel reinforcemts parts and the custom made “swellers”,
the complete body floor is very rigid in every direction!!!!!! Very satisfied from the result…
Tested in all of the terrains and in curving conditions… The body remains stable and rigid.) , and then gone to the local Audi Dealer and asked the whole list!!!
The parts didn’t come all together but in turns, because they weren’t available from Germany or elsewhere (eg. the VDO electronic tacho was made in Australia!!!) all of them or because my money was NOT enough to buy them at that time… The total amount that I paid for the new parts from the Audi Dealer or other free market dealers is over13.600 Euros.
More than 80% of ALL spare parts (Original Audi Coupe S or other Audi or not models) were bought brand new!!! I still keep the receipts for the history of this project!!!! Hopefully I have 10% discount from the cashier of the local Audi dealer!!!
At the same time I had to gather ORIGINAL Audi Coupe S parts for the best Total final result (thanks to US and German eBay mostly !@) of this Quattro project and for my other Audi C1 projects I have in mind to follow soon…
When all the steel and mechanical parts were gathered in my 250 sq. m. Chaotic Audi garage I went to my favorite body shop to ask them to built my dream!!!
Their first reaction was laugh!!! And laugh!!! And laugh again!!!
When they had tired to wipe their laughing tears from their faces and they could listen my “story” and my measurements, then they started to listen to me seriously, believing that this can work!!! (the works had started without having discussed the issue of the cost or the payment AT ALL!!! The total amount of payment was UNKNOWN!!! This was the deal!!! The payments would follow the work…
The story was “simple”.

Building a strong steel frame (like an extra chassis) to support the car!

The car (after the TOTAL dismantling of it!!!) was WELDED on this frame on the A and B columns, with vertical EXTRA strength steel struts. I removed the complete body floor (including the rear wheel housings). The total front end (engine bay, fire wall, wasserkasten, etc) remained in the original form. There was a TOTAL space from the foot area of the pedals till the rear end in the trunk!!! I removed all the side floor supporting steel panels (swellers). I Installed the the 3+ piece body floor from the Audi 80 Quattro typ89 S2 and its extras. I Installed the TT’s roadster and RS2’s reinforcement panels (they support also the front seats and their rails TOO! Plus the Kardanwelle tunnel becomes the more rigid RS2 wider one) and finally installed the rear Quattro rear wheel housings plus the… 4 "swellers" per side!
I did this or I did that... Just because I had the major participation on every stage of this project… I know by hard every little or major welding spot, every little detail of finishing...These guys in body shop or in paint shop were involved 30 minutes in working on the car ONLY when I was there!!! And I was trying to be there as frequent as I could… Now you know the reason why I use first person and why this project took so long time to be realized!!!
The outer swellers are the original parts for the Audi Coupe S, to preserve the neat original outer look. But the inside ply are much thicker, totally different in sector and dimension than the original one. There are TWO plies inside now, instead the ONE in the original form. The result is EXCELLENT!!! RIGID BODY FLOOR!!!! The doors now close the same way, even the car is in a ramp or on a jack or on the road! It’s very important to make the whole modification very accurate because there is the possibility of NOT closing the doors well, after such operation!!!
I choose also the engine and the drive train from and Audi 80 Quattro typ89 2.0 16v. I had in mind to add a Turbolader to this engine and I was ready to accept 300ps from this engine, after the proper modifications. The Quattro Project would have been Turbo Quattro Project…But I changed my mind, and I’m going to convert the Turbo Quattro project to a …Bi-Turbo one (from S4 b6 model!!!I OR to keep it as a Turbo Quattro with a 5cylinder 20v (another proof that the 5cylinder engines were very easily installed in C1 front ends, contrary to Mr. Piech advice to Dr. Kraus) from an S4-S6 c4 or even an Rs2 Audi model !!! But first of all I want to enjoy my Quattro as it is. During that time I assume that I will be able to gather the EXTRA Euros I need to spend to realize this ultimate dream!!!!!! Then, it will be tuned in Coupe RS1!!!
At the moment I’m writing down all of these, the engine has a “light” tuning treatment and it has almost 155 Ps!
This 6A (2.0 16v) engine is lighter than the original 1.9 liter one!!! This was the major reason I choose this engine for my Quattro project. The other reason was that using the original front end engine mounts/consoles from the Audi 100 L (1974-76 model), I had NO problem of “hang” the engine on the engine bay!!! I had done this transplant much earlier!!! I run the same 75er Coupe S with the small 1.6 liter engine and gearbox from Audi 100 L for some time!!! I even had a road trip to Germany in summer 2000 with that combination of engine and gearbox!!!! I still remember this: top speed 145 km/h(wide tires !!!!) at 6500rpm in the rev counter!!!!
I had to take care only for the installation and mounting of the Quattro gearbox.
No problem at all (except the height adjustment) to fit the new kardanwelle and the exhaust pipes… The body floor was made for them!!! There was a need of a quite accurate measurement of the distance between gearbox and rear diff to modify (cut a few centimeters in length, weld well the joint again and at the end a very fine BALANCING!!!) the length of the S2 coupe kardanwelle.
The same happened to the exhaust piping and silencers!!! The custom made stainless steel 62,5mm in diameter exhaust piping runs perfect with a single (S2 has double catalysts system, something I think that It’s an exaggeration for this16v engine… but it would be a MUST have for the Biturbo or single turbo modification!!!) metal racing catalyst. All the original typ89 S2 heat shields are in order so no worries about body overheating!
My … new installed electronic tachometer says 002600 KM (since 2nd of September 2005 when it was installed BRAND NEW) but the indicator shows …Miles per Hour!!!! THIS IS EXTREMELY painful (because I remember its price and the days I spent to make it work!!!)to explain how this works!!!

The typ89 Quattro gearbox sends pulses to make the electronic tachometer work.
So, I made the combination of the OLD style face with the Electronic brain from behind. The tachometer was bought NEW (320 Euros!!!).

I removed the typ89 face and the needle from the tacho and I tried to install the needle and the face from the Audi Coupe S (220km/h). The bigger problem (except of its installation and function) was that that the ratio in indication between the OLD face and the new FACE wasn’t the same!!!

So, it wasn’t possible to have an accurate indication of the actual speed! But I noticed that the 100 LS (200km) face was in very close matching ratio with the NEW one!!! But this time should be in MILES!!! So, “67” of the old 100 LS tacho face was in the same angle aw the “100” of the typ89 tacho face!!!!!! 62mph = 100kmh. I moved the “0” a little bit lower and right now I have A very ACCURATE indication at 100km/h , showing 62mph…. It is checked by using GPS tachometer and showed perfect match at the speed of 100km/h!!!! There is an error of almost 9km/h at my top speed. My indication is almost 135mph but GPS counter showed 9km/h lower. I showed 207km/h. At last, there was a problem how to fix the complete combination electronic tacho with the old face INSIDE the instrument panel! I came to the conclusion that the best choice was to use polyurethane foam to keep inside the electronic tacho!!!! And I had right. Perfect job!!! Perfect look, perfect illumination. ONLY a fault was unavoidable!!!!

The nullification of the day trip counter is out of order!!! The tacho trip counter counts continuously without having any chance to “zero” it!!! There was no room to make a special lever for this function. In the place of the zero function of the electronic tacho, there is the lower socket for an illuminated bulb, in the original instrument panel.

I preferred to have perfect illumination instead of having the useful trip counter!!! But I can live without it!!!
My aim was also to build a Coupe S with the most wanted and rare original or not original extras!!! I used a combination of RARE parts that I like most {e.g. The rear FRENCH lenses, Real Xenon power inside the original headlights with wash/wipe function, the UR100er kombi instrument panel and the extra instruments, the wooden steering wheel (THANK YOU KLAUS !!!) and, and, and…}
I forgot to mention that this car has a strange life story, before its purchase by me, back in 1996. The car was firstly bought by the USA ambassador in Athens, back in 1976. But he wanted to take it with him in the states, after he would finish his job in Greece. So, He asked an Audi 100 Coupe S, US model. But he received a negative answer!!! Only the 100 LS was available in such version!
He said: “Ok! Make one for me!!!”
This task was an almost a year job for the local Audi dealer!!! They bought all the special US features (including Fuel injection engine and cat system!) and they installed to this Coupe S!!!
But the ambassador never took this car with him back in the states!!! He died in 1978! His daughter sold the car to a Greek guy and so on!!! When I bought it in 1996 (from an immigrant from Egypt!) it hadn’t ANY of External US features!!! It had only the US internal body modifications!!! The engine was replaced with a ZJ one and instead of the US aluminum bumpers, there were installed black plastic ones from Audi 80 B2 model!!!!! The front indicators were from a Mercedes truck and they were mounted ON the plastic bumpers
It had been repainted 6 times!!!! Its original color was Malachit gruen.
But I’m in love with L21c Cadizorange color… It’s quite obvious!
We made some modifications on the L21C adding a very fine/shiny and very strong clear coat paint inside the L21C mixture. The result after 3 full coats is a MORE BRILLIANT L21C color!!! Even in dirty condition or semi dark condition, its Brilliance is very obvious and present!
I think it’s better to write down its specifications & extras:
-6A 2.0 16v Audi engine (Tuned) =155ps/ 4500-6500 revs !!!
-62,5mm INOX exhaust piping + Metal racing catalyst
-Original typ89 Quattro 7A engine middle silencer.
-Original UR Quattro 20v Turbo rear silencer
-Original typ89 Quattro tank, 70 liters.
-Typ89 Quattro S2 complete rear suspension sports type + lockable rear differential.
-Original Audi/ATE Hydraulic brake master (ATE 23,8mm diameter brake master cylinder, from typ43) and clutch master and servant pumps on clutch activation (typ89 Quattro 6A engine). No more clutch wire…
-RED adjustable Koni absorbers all around. The front ones are the suitable for the original Audi Coupe S, 1974-76 model! The rear ones are the suitable for typ89 S2 rear axle.
-Original 100 LS US 1975-77 model hardware and electrical external-internal features.
-Original 100 LS US 1975-77 model bumper’s absorbers.
-Original typ89 Quattro complete Body floor with extra reinforcements.
-Heavy reinforced inside double “swellers”. Custom made. Strong body, high rigidity.
-Original TT baseball leather front –heated-seats including their floor steel reinforcements.
-TT baseball matching style rear seat leather cover and side covers. Custom made according to the original pattern. The rear seats are from the typ89 Quattro, 1990 sedan model, but they have been treated in a such widening manner to reach the proper Coupe S rear seat wide distance.
- The famous Wooden grab, original Coupe S steering wheel and shift lever.( Thanks to K.K. !!!)
-Original Audi typ89 6A engine Electronic/pulse receiving tachometer.
-Original Ur100 typ80 (1968 model) chromed kombi instrument panel. 8.000r/m speedometer and clock from Audi GTE, B1 1975 model. The original 7.000 r/m Speedo was not able to cover my current engine potentials of almost 8.000 r/m or more !!! The famous “cutter” has been removed!!! The Schrick cams are doing excellent job in such high revs…
-3 Original Vdo/Audi 60mm in diameter zusatz instrumente (Amper, öl druck and oel temp. Plus the 6speed custom made Gangschema.)
-Original Porsche polished rims (8x16 ET23 from 944 turbo) and Original Porsche “Big Red” Brakes (RS2- 4pistoned calipers, 304x32mm discs, semi metallic pads) + aero quip steel flexible brake lines (custom made).
-Original RS2 rim chromed painted hubcaps
-Original Porsche titanium wheel nuts.
-H&R Special wheel adaptors all around. 25mm thick.
-Custom made wheel spacers (30mm at the rear and 14mm at the front axle).
-Tires Fulda Extremo 225/45/16V. Not very proud of them!!! But they worth their money!
-Original early Coupe S French rear lenses (M124).
-Original Coupe S green glasses all around (D-173) + new original seals.
-ARVA front glass windshield with Gruenkeil!
-Original Audi 100 C1 Left and Right CONVEX external mirrors! (M607+M528)
- Headlight washing and wiping system. BMW E30 wipers and BMW X5 4 wash jets! Original Headlights’ special rings, 73-75 c1 models.
-7,5liter water heated reservoir for washing headlights and windscreen, “borrowed” from Audi 80 b2 turbo diesel model, 1984 model.
-Double water coolers from Audi 80 b2 turbo diesel model.
-HELLA Xenon low beam and fog lights.
-Original Audi 100 C1 interval switch for the speed of the wiping system
-Short shifting mechanism, typ89 competition style. The original Audi 100 C1 shifting distance between 1st and 2nd gear is almost 19cm. Now in my Quattro project is just 9cm!!!!! And the feeling of LOCKING the gears is GREAT!
-Original Audi S2 typ89 Heavy sound absorbing protection on the door panels and the body floor + roof
-Original Audi 100 C1 Power steering rack. The pump is original from Vw Golf 3 Gti, 1995 model.
-Air condition (is coming…) and air condition 100 C1 model front end.
-Custom fit steel lower apron at the front end. They are borrowed from an early BMW 6-series!
-Custom made Wide wheel housings!!!
-Electric Aerial.
-Blaupunkt Bamberg Electronic R/C and 4 Blaupunkt Matching speakers.
-Original C1 Sunroof.
-Bonnet, custom muscle car impression. It is borrowed from an Opel Record E Diesel.
-Rear License plate and lights from Audi Super90-Fox, US models.
0-100km/h: 10,8 sec. The second gear (the gears are too long for the current engine power! The complete drive train system is from a S2 coupe typ89 late model 220-230ps.) reaches very easily at 109 km/h (7.900 r/m). Not so good!!! The car has become TOO heavy (1420 kg with half full gas reservoir) and the wide tires in addition of the Quattro system don’t allow quicker acceleration.
Top speed: Till now the top speed I kept for a while was 207 km/h. These measurements were taken by the GPS counter on my cousin’s mobile phone!!! The needle in my electronic tacho was sited on little bit more of the 135 Miles per Hour.
100-0Km/h: almost 40 meters, hot brakes condition and in good summer tarmac condition. (The brake pedal must be compared with a “PAUSE” button ….hhahahhahahha.

What a feeling!!!
The Quattro project WILL be finished soon!!! (Practically the only thing has been left to complete this phase is to built the central console inside the car!!!)
Maybe this car isn’t the most expensive Coupe S (because it is not for sale! In that way it has no price to be compared! Although I received many “questioning” offers to sell it abroad…) or maybe this car isn’t the most powerful Coupe S ever existed (because this will be realized after the RS1 modification…), but one thing is for sure: It’s my QUATTRO dream and I like it very very much when I see that this "dream" car makes many heads to turn on and watching it running like a …Quattro (!!!)

and receiving so many compliments and respect everyday, from men and women …(my wife keep telling me that she feel nice with this brilliant orange color!!! “You cannot do any Cheat on me with this car!!! This car’s existence

is being made obvious for SURE from Kilometers away!!! It’s not suitable for UNDERCOVER situations”). Everyday I receive the compliments of many other drivers of many kind of cars or pedestrians, while the heavy traffic in Thessaloniki’s city roads.
Unknown people congratulate me for keeping this car in such brilliant condition. Many quick questions in the traffic lights and even more wishes from their side to keep going on that way and to be able to ENJOY this excellent shaped, beautiful and rare Audi Coupe model…

This feedback is my other half satisfaction. The other half satisfaction is that everything works perfectly on this car!!! This is showing that I did very good job in the assembly or on the design of such radical modification. And this is very obvious on listening it and on watching it on the roads. To get more satisfaction, I give it to my friends or to my cousin to drive it, while I’m from behind inside in another car, to watch it and “download” any reaction of the car from OUTSIDE, this time! I hope you can understand me…
I think I have said TOO Much! Sorry me, my friends but maybe I’m not so good on writing down a good car tuning story as I’m in realizing it!!! OR as SURELY I’m in ENJOYING its driving new features!
Now the rest of the story gives a new meaning to the phrase:
"If it is worth doing, it is worth overdoing" !!!
The car was in full everyday JOY RIDING use from December of 2005 till August of 2009. I drove almost 49.000 km during this time with perfect memories and perfect feedback from the people around me. It was a real pleasure to drive it under winter or HOT summer conditions, especially or to drive it on the snowy roads or on the sandy seasides!!!
"Quattrina" was EVER ready to run even on gravel "special stage" windy roads or to be a ...SHOW car in local car meeting and events with the same success...
The 16v "6A" engine was totaly reliable and the quattro drivetrain was fully functional.
This was the major factor for me to decide having the road trip on May of 2007 to participate to my FIRST Audi 100 Coupe S Interantional Meeting in Neckarsulm, Germany!
I met many other Audi co-lunatics out there and I kept some good and REAL friendships till now...
AudiScene magazine had dedicated a complete article (thanks to Andreas Ehm...) to this strange Coupe S and the photoshooting was done in Neckarsulm, during the 2007 TREFFEN.
The funny thing was that my best friend Gary Telaak and myself we went to Neckasrulm from Ingolstadt driving the Quattrina... But, 3 other friends of mine (one of them was the body shop owner where this car was reconstructed as a quattro!) came there by taking the plane from Thessaloniki... So, we spent our day there in driving around the city with a strange old Audi with 5 passangers on it!!!
Before this great event, on the way to Neckarsulm, I spent several days in Ingolstadt, visiting my beloved god son LUIS and his family there and driving around the Audi State... The orange Quattrina was the best passport to every event...
(This TALL & lunatic man is EIKE with his quattros ...)
(Gary is more than my best friend!!! GEIA SOU "PALAMIDI">>>)
I have done such road trips in Germany, twice (1998 and 2000) with the same car before the QUATTRO modification... The first time was in summer of 1998 the car was almost in original form, except the 200 turbo rear axle and brakes upgrade and the 8x15 ur-quattro rims.
These trips with my wife and our Coupe S were my starting POINTS of meeting A.C.C.D. and A.C.D.M. people (Klaus Kaufmann, Arne Geissler, Alex Huss, Joe Lorhbach, Andreas Kuhnert, the famous RAINER, and some other people who I don't remember all their names...).
I had also the opportunity to meet the white Coupe S with the 5cylinder engine in the yard of Arnold and Vreni, Stein/Loerrach area... The 5cylinder sound was a charming song to my ears... since then! But, I was thinking that the car will be a little bit OFF BALANCED with such load and power on the front axle...
The first time we were visisting K.K. in Eichenau, 13 km outside Munich... And then after some days there we went through Bavaria and the famous SCHWARZWALD to Loerrach area where we met the KINDEST couple (Arnold and Vreni).
In Munich, summer of 1998.
The second time in Germany, summer of 2000, the car had the US body tech and look, plus the Porsche 928 7x16 rims and 928 s4 brakes.
I forgot to mention that I had already replaced the original engine+gearbox with the 1,6 liter engine and matching gearbox from a 100 L, 75er donor car... I had in mind to converetd to a 16v 2.0 liter engined, so this step was a MUST for me... I still remember the 155km/h TOP SPEED at 6000 rpm in speedo... TERRIBLE road trip conditions... hahahaha The road trip had a stop in Munich, again to meet Alex Huss and his cars, who sleep us for a night to his appartment, then we went to Hessen area to meet the Joerg Lorhbach FAMILY and stay for some days in this beautyful land, then we pointed towards to Koblenz to meet Arne Geissler and his family and finaly stopped at Loerrach area again, in Stein where we met K.K., Arnold and their wives again...
When I had posted some photos of this DOWNSIZING on the A.C.C.D. CZ "Vier Ringe" Nr. 97, there was a subtitle comment from the editor (Thank you for ALL you have done for me, Matthias... You are the ONE!!!) "I will eat some PITA to be stronger..." or something like that... hahahahahahahahah After this modification I feel that I have eaten 315 PITAS, at least... hahhahahahaah
To make such a long trip to go and to come back wasn't a piece of cake for such an old car generaly, so you can imagine how difficult is to make such trips with a HEAVILY modificated old car!!!
Anyway, Everything went fine, the whole event was very succesfull and I remember that these days I had a smile on my face, even during the sleeping time... One of my life time dream became finaly TRUE on MAY of 2007>>>
I met many other Audi lunatics out there and I kept some good and REAL friendships till now...
AudiScene magazine had dedicated a complete article (thank you Andreas EHM...) to this strange Coupe S and the photoshooting for this article was done in Neckarsulm, during the 2007 TREFFEN days.
I always had engine modifications plans for V6 s4 or Rs4 biturbo engines, which I still believe it would have the better FITMENT inside the Audi c1 engine room... But the Greek Laws don't allow to replace the original engine of a car with another one which has MORE than 25% capacity (in cubic centimeters) as the original engine had. In that way, my V6 or even the bigger V8 engines' dreams were vanished... I didn't want to create an OUTLAW car for my everyday use... So, the most difficult solution of 5cylinder engine was ONE WAY road... Then, I realized that this project would be also quite expensive and with hard labour time, so, I decided that I should do this a best way by installing the BEST 5cylinder production engine Audi ever made... The ADU or ABY engine (with the matching CRB gearbox...) would have been also a much better MATCHED upgrade to the Quattro modification... according to my mind!
At the beginning I had in mind to install a WR engine from a Sport quattro...but such ALLOY motorblocks are quite rare and much more expensive than the normal steel motorblocks... There was also some... mesurements problems in case of installing the WR ening inside the 75er Coupe S engine room... It's cooler's side inlet was quite longer than the engine at the front, so, this would be a real problem on the proper fitment...
The true schedules of the 5cylinder conversion started on early summer of 2007.
The ADU engine was bought from Wien through ebay.de in September of 2007. The engine was NOT complete (missing the turbo, the special inlet with the green injectors, the wiring loom with the engine computer and none of their coolers... I didn't mind that this engine was NOT in good condition AT ALL, cause I had in mind to FULLY rebuilt it in original specifications with overbored new MAHLE pistons. From this point till the February of 2009, I made all the preparations (new spare parts bought from the official Audi dealer and ebay, the cylinder head was fine restored and I had the time to calculate also HOW this engine and gearbox can be MOUNTED and FIT inside this old chassis/engine room...
The funny thing was that I did all the COMPLETE original and expensive restoration of this engine ( and its matching gearbox... ) WITHOUT be SURE if there is ENOUGH SPACE for this engine and this gearbox to be installed inside my Quattrina's body, in such a way to have a problems free & hard-everyday- driving and not to install them in a way just take some good shots in the cameras from another showcar... Another aim was also to create a full leagal modifated car, according to the Greek transportation department laws, something that I did very successfuly...
Finaly after a very long time of the engine and gearbox restoration (the gearbox was bought from Poland in April of 2009 !), the HARD CORE time was in front of us... 20/08/2009 quattrina went inside the mechanic shop to STARTING OUT the big adventure... From that moment, this modification had NO RETURN>>>>
Because the english language isn't something I'm good at, I prefer now to show just photos with some short comments... This would be a photo-calendar of this modification till now... There will be listed some few selected photos cause it is impossible to list ALL the photos from the spare parts and the details I have taken in photos...
The engine head is - Thank GOD!- totaly restored with brand new manifold and KKK 7200 turbolader...
There was a timing problem cause the existing timing toothed gear was NOT from an ADU engine but it was from an ABY/AAN engine. I moved fast and I ordered the correct ADU gear!
The original 120A alternator had inspected and I replaced EVERY bearing and worn out rotating contacts...
Although the new CORRECT toothed timing gear was installed, the timing problem was always there...Every part was the proper ADU spare part... Finaly, I learned from some German friends from S2 forum that this ADVANCE timing "phenomenon" is always normal... and the only way to set the engine timing perfectly according to my preferences was to order a special custom made fully adjustable timing toothed gear...
There was a mistake on installing a HEAT shield from an AAN engine... But this was replaced soon...
The crank pulley was replaced with one from a 3B engine. The total lenghth was TOO CRITICAL... So I had to shorten this as MUCH AS POSSIBLE>>>> The gain from this replacement and the machinery job was almost 3 centimetres SHORTER in lenght PULLEY...
ALL THE GANG of the mechanic shop...
The custom made alternator's single belt pulley (same diameter as the original ribbed pulley) is just fine for the modificated 3B crank's shortened pulley...
Lunch time!
I choose to install the very reliable and the very well known power steering pump (from an Audi 80 typ81 5cylindered engine) just because I needed to have a perfect matched pump (75 Atm) to my original Audi 100 c1 power steering rack. The original ADU pump has much much higher pressure and it would be too risky to use it in my quattrina... A custom aluminium made pulley had to be manufactured to adopt perfectly the calibration and the belt from the crank's pulley... The plastic protective cover on this aluminium pulley had to be removed, finaly cause of the quattrina's front end formation...
I have been told by many other Rs2/s2 owners about this conversion and the HUGE benefits of having a Torsen rear differential... No further comments...
So, everything was waiting to its installation time... Special care for the Fully synthetic HYPOID gear oil, suitable for TORSEN and racing diffs...
The WEDDING DAY was arrived ... It was a quite TOUCHING day that I will not forget it for quite a long time... After almost 2 years of efforts, expenses, fatigue and many wild dreaming nights, it seemed that the end of this engine+gearbox+diffs restoration was quite close...
During that time quattrina run just fine with the old set up, enjoying the Greek sunny weather...
20-08-2009 (D-day!)
(Dirk: Do you remember this front mount discussion we had long time ago? Look at what condition it was found at the dismantling day... )
The US-klima front end had to be cut out like this to ease our efforst to insert the ADU engine and at the same time to schedule the mounts of the front intercooler connection pipe and reinforcing the total front end, from the right chassis to the left side chassis arm. Look at the US original front end SPECIAL reinforcing steel parts... Finaly, I had to cut out also the upper section of the front end, just because wouldn't be easy to service the engine (timing gear, other belts and power steering pump service...) in the normal use...
Pavlos, my only son, in front of quattrina's body...
Complete exhaust inox tube -FOX- in 70mm cat back version, custom made twin end LONGER pipes cause of my US bumper... I decided to use the original Audi ADU engine two metal catalysts, cause I had to pass the Euro3 test... There is no need to remove them... The engine has so much power, that someone like me, may not be able to notice this gain of the free flow exhaust without the two original metal catalysts on...
The rusty nonworking A/C compressor was mounted on just to have the right space clearances...
The custom made front intercooler was the product of TWO new Ford Mondeo tdi intercoolers, welded (in angled line) in the correct front bumper's angle...
The result is to have a 20% BIGGER intercooler than the original Audi Rs2 had...!!!
The custom made front section "cross member" tube with heavy duty mounts to each side chassis members, combines at the same time the need of compressed air inlet from turbocharger to intercooler and then back to the engine's inlet manifold ports... "Something" like the original Audi Rs2/s2 models had...
Hopefully, I had a "deep iventory" of spares to replace the damaged section of the US-klima front end...
In that way, the complete front end became fully BOLTED on the body, as it is in the most modern Audi models... This will be quite helpfull, also for just the simple servicing of the ADU motor, like replacing timing belt , etc...
Back to Mechanic's Shop... The HARD CORE story is almost ended and we hear the last round BELL>>>>
This was the first day of the car in the exhaust systems specialized shop, to construct the downpipe and the spit section to the two catalysts... VERY NICE JOB!!!
Right after this, the car went to the electrician ( you can read this word also as ...electromagician !!!) shop where this is the place we were going to HEAR the engine MUSIC for theh first time, some days after this date... a lot had to be done till this result and believe me, this was not a piece of cake job... The engine computer was out from an 95er Rs2 which had a fatal road accident. It had also a stage 1 tuning chipping job inside... I still have the papers from this tuning job with dyno measurements.
14-12-2009 (first WARM UP!)
"Now", the rear TORSEN diff is replacing the stock S2 rear diff... This is the first day out of the electrician shop and the car is on the INTENSIVE CARE of the mechanics shop...
The needed wheel alignment showed some troubles from the very low front suspension...
Almost 5 months after the D-day, when quattrina was in mechanic shop for the Heart Transplant, the instrument panel is its place and everything is in working condition, again!
First attempt to have a "long" drive on the Thessaloniki's ring road and we had the First malfunction... The front right inner CV joint flange was loose and finaly came out of gearbox's case, leaking some gear oil, too...
Hopefully the road assistance LORRY was quite close to me and I went back to the mechanic shop without big trouble...
The original new Heat shields on the inner CV joint of the gearbox are installed...A pyrometer instrument was always on mind but this was the time for its sender installation... The instrument will be in the PROPER place in a later time...
This is the sender location nearest to the HOT side of the turbocharger...
First night inside my garage, after 5 months of hard and SLOW RECOVERY after this very difficult surgery...
The suspension set up (red Konis with heavy duty lowered spring coils) was the same as it was with the previous lighter drive train... The car was quite LOW in front ... A new complete suspension is a MUST for Quattrina...
A temporary solution was given to the ride height by installing 2 thick aluminium spacers, until to have my final decision what suspension set up and WHEELS choice I wanted to install to Quattrina...
New alignment was needed for safe & road worthy results and feedback... The car had a totaly different behaviour which wasn't even close at the very fine previous behaviour I was used to... Except the brutal accelaration, everything else was below average... I had a lot of improvements work to complete, in front of me...
This was the first HEAT SHIELD I should install without any second thought. The front right wheel brake fluid line was too close to the DOWNPIPE so, this is a good HEAT protection shield that it makes the job perfectly! MANY MORE HEAT SHIELDS will come after realizing HOW BIG and HOT problem can be turned in hard driving especially in SUMMER WEATHER CONDITIONS>>>>
Pavlos, my son, asked me to convert Quattrina also to something more suitable for my job, as an Architect-buidings constructor... hahahahhaha! en francais: PAS MAL, PAS MAL... hahahahhahahah
(Bilstein B14 pss tech absorbers + H&R spring coils) Custom made suspension set up by Mr. Michalis Kirlagitsis specialized shock absorbers shop, here in Thessaloniki. Se efharisto Michalis... The car spent almost a week in Michalis' shop for completing and testing some parameters of the suspension set up, especially on the spring coils hardness...
Now, Quattrina is almost ready for OPEN or WINDY roads... The feeling of the car is TOTAL DIFFERENT from the first days test drives... Now a custom made sway bar -stability device- on the front axle is needed... The negative feeling of the TOO MUCH SENSITIVE steering continues to be there... Other factors should be altered... We will see!
This reinforcing metal "subframe" structure was made to LOCK the total front LOWER body chassis
which was a little bit unstable under the BRUTAL accelaration conditions ... After this structure (it was made by shorting a typ44 front traverse...!) was installed, it was quite clear the chassis CONCRETE stiffness on the steering and the braking... At the same time this sub traverse will be quite helpfull to attach the sway bar which will come soon!
At the same time I had to cure motor oil leaking in two places... Although I used only new and original Audi seals and gaskets, the crank's front oil seal and the seperated part on the lower aluminium oil pan were slightly leaking...
Now the A/C planning was started... Firstly, all the electrical stuff was MOVED, with fine prof. electrician job, from the CRITICAL A/C vaporator SPACE>>>
There was a big problem with the LONG 5 cylindered ADU engine and its air inlet pipe because there wasn't left the needed SPACE for proper installation of the Audi 100 75-77 models' A/C evaporator UNIT... But, I wasn't disappointed at all! I had done almost the impossible before and I wouldn't be an easy quiter to achieve the original A/C evaporator to be finaly -one way or another- very fine installed ...
New Stuff arrived...
Now the car had almost 1000 km on the new wheels... We tried to tighten the engine's head just to be 1000% sure!
Although we changed the crank's front seal, this leaking was still present... Argh!!!!!!
NEW STEEL dashboards panels, instead of the old WOODEN ones were custom made, suitable for overlay a 3M brushed Aluminium foil on them...
We installed the HIGH QUALITY fully adjustable toothed timing gear!
After two-three calibrations, we found the right spot for timing and firing and the car seems that it has even more power than before...! BEST VALUED custom made spare part!!! Practicaly, you can set the timing and firing as someone wishes and maybe someone more specialized to mapping of ECU can do some small miracles with this gear. But for me the old school guy, is enough for me to eliminate the timing problem I had using the ORIGINAL Audi ADU engine toothed timing gear. The car has become an orange rocket with the right use of this gear!!! Regards to NORWAY!!!16-06-2010
Now, the system is WORKING in 134A fluid with the original Audi Rs2 A/C compressor, tubing, condensor-cooler and ventilator in combination with the original Audi 100 c1 late model FAN switch and brand NEW thermostat plus wiring loom and the completely modified evaporator unit!!! We used a smaller universal dryer to save space, in front of the condenser... We didn't modified the original Audi 100 c1 late model evaporator core but we modified the inclination of this core in such a way to save critical space... The original ventilator was used but this time was enclosed in a custom made metal blower case for best fitment... I think there wasn't any better way to achieve this combined spare parts installation and of course this A/C set up FUNCTION>>> COOL !!!!
Here you can see on of the main reasons that Quattrina has such rigid body which helps A LOT on the dynamic "behaviour" of this body under HARD driving conditions... This is parcticaly a thick steel (almost 1,5 mm thick steel spare part! and it's quite HEAVY, too!) body extra strengthening subframe (from an Audi TT roadster, 2004 model) under the front seats which LOCKS in every way the total BODY FLOOR
Ur-quattros air vents will be installed plus the Brushed aluminium dashboards faces...
From now on, I will run this car in a ...COOL way during the Greek HOT summer weather conditions...
The OVERHEATING of the engine room was a MAJOR PROBLEM when I drove this car at ... MY driving limits... I saw the exhaust manifold and the TURBO hot side to GLOW, right after some dozens of hard driving JOYFULL time...
The first solution I had in mind was to install a HOT air vent, to suck this air out of the engine room... To achieve this I used one of the old FIAT x1/9 two seater old car... I was quite satisfied from this vent but... after some weeks this plastic air vent started to ... MELT from the HOT AIR was going through this vent...
So, I had to find a better and a long lasting solution for this HIGH TEMPERATURE problem inside the engine room!!!
I combined the function of a brand new VDO Pyrometer (0-1100 celsious) with the old FACE of the Audi 100 c1 Coupe S/GL 1972-1976 models' water TEMP instrument... I give A VERY BIG IMPORTANCE on this TURBO HEAT indication for not making any damage on my precious new KKK 7200 turbocharger... I tried also to combine the FUNCTION with the old Audi c1 instruments LOOK>>>> I think I did it well...
I prefered also to replace the old case with the chromed rings with the case from an Audi 100/ 100L models... I liked it that way when I saw this "combination" on Dirk's BROWN SUGAR 2door car, so I grapped a DARK faced case from my shelves and I completed the OPERATION with this result!
This job had to be done, long time ago! At first I had installed a small caustom made additional cooling fluid cooler. But this wasn't enough under the GREEK hot summer weather conditions... So, I had to make it as much BIGGER as I could, in that way that new bigger cooler will be able to be installed behind the original grill without any ugly results...01-11-2010
Front axle SWAY BAR, final set up...
Trying to solve the HEAT PROBLEM I wraped up all the turbolader stuff...
Everything seems to works fine! Look the indications with WARM engine...
NIP TUCK starting out...
Improving the air flow on the intercooler's inlet + outlet pipes and their SAMCO connection tubes...
RS2 original cooler's side AIR DUCTS are installed, waiting the front spoiler to complete the air ducts job!
Leather dress up on the Central console...
Relocation and replacement of the 25er oil cooler with a 19er one, for better cooling air stream flow -while running in high speeds...- to the turbolader and downpipe HOT SIDES>>>>
BIG-GER RED front NEW BRAKES from a Porsche 997 3.8 carrera 4S. (330x34mm discs)
HARD CORE ACTION! Replacement of the "old" brakes (304x32mm discs) with custom made manufacturing the proper brake calipers' carriers... The "old" front Rs2 wheel hubs are replaced with "new" REAR Rs2 wheel hubs... They are almost 2cm SHORTER so, we close the gab of the positive Wheel offset to almost ZERO, with the use of different offset CUP 2 porsche rims (9x18 et 55)
We swaped also the connection fluid pipe and the bleeders sides cause these calipers were made to be bolted on the rear side of each wheel. On Quattrina c1 suspension should be bolted on the front side... So, the different diameter pistons wear UNNORMALY the pads, if they would be in the same position with the opposite wheel running direction... In that way, the LEFT caliper went on the RIGHT front wheel and the Right caliper went on the LEFT front wheel. The brake discs also have running direction cause of the holes and inner structure increasing the COOLING POWER...
SPARE WHEEL (17") in PERFECT FITMENT with "BIG RED" front brakes...
NEW ORIGINAL Audi FENDERS replaced the old ones...
BBS FRONT NEW SPOILER (BMW early 5er!) installation IDEA>>>
Hopefully I passed this front spoiler solution, although the Body Shop man believes the contrary...
RS4 B7 rear brakes (324x22mm brake discs with the matching single pistoned BIG calipers+pads, PLUS two seperate adjustable brake fluid pressure accumulators for the two rear brake calipers...) installation begins////
CARBON front hood molding procedure started... Quattrina is already on the paint shop...
Here is BABIS..., the "ARTISTIC" paint shop owner... He is fighting with the orange beast...
To be continued...
It`s amazing!!!! Very very good job!
Life your dream, every Day!!
greets from Conny, Hamburg,also a "Audi infizierter" since 20 years! ( Have a look at the last Vier Ringe, " Alfred " is my "Projekt"!
Hello Conny,
Thank you for your kind words...
Can you send to me some photos and some words about ALFRED project of yours, so I can post them in this blog and many other people around the Audi 100 c1 WORLD can see and estimate your FINE JOB on this car?
Regards from Sunny Thessaloniki,
The work you did is amazing. I had no idea how involved it was. I definitely want to rebuild my 100 LS motor and everything else by the year 2022! Maybe I can send you my engine to be rebuilt one day. For now, it is still going as I found out tonight during my 11:00 pm to 12:15 am drive (car has been sleeping since October but fired right up with a shot of gas down the carb tonight)...95,100 original miles.
Of course, when I stopped for coffee, a bunch of people asked me what the hell the car was and I educated them and popped the hood for all to see the 37 year old machine still going! It is my duty here in Canada as the only C1 Lunatic to spread the word of what the C1 is.
Andy across the ocean!
Thank you Andy for your kind words for my ORANGE project...
Keep EDUCATE the people in your BIG country by rolling your rare 100er on the roads...
Stay tuned!
Awesome build! If you get a chance check out Motorgeek.com. Its an Audi enthusiast website and im sure there are many people on there who would love to see your build. Keep it up!
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