
Audi 100 c1 SPRINGtime 2011 contest...

Hello Audi people,
You can see, read, judge and "VOTE" for your favorite Audi 100 c1 for the SPRINGtime 2011 contest...

I must say a VERY BIG THANK YOU to all of you, for the great acceptance and support to this BLOG.

Especially I want to thank you the owners, Andy Bilik, Gianvincenzo Prisco & Vincent Cione, of these 3 special Audi 100ers c1 model cars who wanted to share with us their "AudiVirus" in their life... They are ALL BIG WINNERS on this contest... They have already WON our respect and our love... PLEASE, keep on tendering your babes...

I feel that this time, the Audi c1 "competition" is quite tight and it's hardly for someone to decide very clearly in favor to one or another candidate... All these 3 cars have CHARACTER...

But, don't forget that all this was made to have some real internet FUN and to KNOW eachothers' Audi c1 cars, all around the world...
I hope next time will be more candidates... That's the major thing... The SHOWCARS or the MUSEUMCARS are more than welcomed but I wish to had even more "everyday" cars or even UNDER RESTORATION or RECONSTRUCTION project cars which are not finished...
There is no problem for me... All the cars CANNOT be in the TOP LINE of condition... The SYNTHESIS (greek word) is the most DESIRABLE thing can happen...

The big problem is that these old Audi c1 cars are not have good reputation in the oldtimer fans (like a Benz or BMW oldtimers) and many of them still going on the recycle BIN...

This is my aim... to create a tiny INTEREST on these babes and in that way to SAVE some more Audi c1 cars around the world...

Any old Audi c1 owner is more than welcomed in the AudiVirus Blog!

Be well,


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